Saturday, 20 December 2014
A Sex Pest GHOST Nearly Broke Up My Marriage!
Deborah Rawson was left terrified after a horny phantom menace touched her thigh and breathed heavily on her face.
It started as an ordinary day for Deborah Rawson.
She'd just taken a break after the housework, when something happened that was so shocking it would eventually threaten her sanity, her marriage to Kevin and her home.
The 48-year-old from Hull was attacked by a SEX-PEST GHOST. But was she really goosed by a ghoul - or was it just a phantom of her imagination? You decide.
Deborah says: "I'd just finished cleaning and sat down at my kitchen table for a break when a strange feeling came over me.
"It felt as if my chair was wobbling and the tablecloth slid to the floor, taking a plant with it.
"Everything went out of focus but, as I fought hard to get myself together, I saw a misty cloud floating in front of the kitchen window. Slowly, it formed into the shapes of three strangers.
"One was a good-looking bloke in his 30s in black trousers and a white shirt. A woman stood next to him, also about 30, in a long pink dress.
"On the floor was a little girl about five years old. She had mousy brown hair and red tights, and looked the picture of innocence."
Absolutely petrified, Deborah ran out of the house. Her husband Kevin, a construction worker, found her outside, shaking, hours later.
When she told him what had happened he gently suggested she should see a doctor.
"I agreed," recalls Deborah. "I thought maybe I'd just had a funny turn. I went to the GP the next day and was given anti-depressants for anxiety."
But she soon found there was no medication to cure what was going on. The arrival of the spooks that day led to a haunting so terrifying that the couple eventually moved home.
Strange scraping noises around the house, and a ghostly ball of light in the kitchen, escalated to something much worse - the male ghost creeping up and breathing heavily on her face.
"I was petrified," says Deborah, and I shouted out 'Who's there? "'Claire!' a voice bellowed back. 'Mark's here, he's watching you'."
Deborah believes Claire was the female phantom in the pink dress. But that did not stop Mark GROPING her.
"From then on I felt Mark wanted something from me," she says. "He would pull at my dress and one time it felt as if he had pinned me down on the sofa. Another night, as I was falling to sleep, the duvet flew off and I felt Mark's hand on my thigh."
She would also hear grunts and groans coming from the bathroom and felt "scared and spooked" by the horny apparition.
Deborah and Kevin's 23-year marriage began to crumble, and they stopped sleeping together.
"My friends used to call my hubby Kevin the Kitten but he was acting strange, getting aggressive and annoyed at the drop of a hat," says Deborah.
"One day he snapped and told me: 'You've lost the plot with all this ghost stuff.'
"One night when she was passing the bathroom door she thought she heard him whispering to someone on his mobile. He sounded turned on, saying things like 'Hmm, yes, do that.'
"So she recorded it on her phone through the door, then confronted him. But when they played the tape back, it sounded nothing like Kevin!
"We were petrified. Our creepy visitors were trying to drive a wedge between us," she says.
And after 20-odd years in their house, they took to sleeping downstairs. But even then Mark didn't leave Deborah alone. So Kevin, finally convinced, decided they needed an exorcism.
They contacted a Catholic priest who said prayers and sprinkled holy water in all the rooms. And it
did work - but not for long.
"Things were quiet for a few days - then I felt Mark's breath on my neck again," says Deborah.
So she called in local psychic Steve Kneeshaw, who took pictures and temperature readings. He found two weird cold spots in the house and saw a hair clip fly across the room.
Steve told them the house had been built on farm land in 1922 but there were no records of any tragedy taking place.
"Deborah and Kevin were subjected to an extreme haunting for which there seems to be no reason," he concluded.
But by then Deborah had had enough. "I can't stand it any more," she told Kevin. So they moved to a rented house, where they've been for over a year.
"Maybe I have some sort of psychic ability. Who knows? she says. "But I'm glad I'm finally rid of my sex-crazed spectre."
Sunday, 14 December 2014
9 of the Strangest Bone Churches of Europe
I’ll admit right up front here that I’m kind of a wimp when it comes to creepy stuff. I’ve never been into scary movies, and even cover my eyes during the fake surgery scenes in “House.” But on my first trip to Italy, when I heard there was a chapel in Rome which had decorated its walls with the bones of more than 4,000 monks, I knew I had to see it. Little did I know at the time, bone churches in Europe aren’t that uncommon.
Which is excellent news if you, like me, are on a mission to see all the bone churches you can.
Bone churches, more accurately called “ossuaries,” exist in several countries in Europe, and can consist of everything from piles of decorated skulls to pieces of wall art made up of various human bones. If you’d like to make a tour of Europe’s bone churches, these are the spots you’ll definitely want to have on your list.
Which is excellent news if you, like me, are on a mission to see all the bone churches you can.
Bone churches, more accurately called “ossuaries,” exist in several countries in Europe, and can consist of everything from piles of decorated skulls to pieces of wall art made up of various human bones. If you’d like to make a tour of Europe’s bone churches, these are the spots you’ll definitely want to have on your list.
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Capuchin Crypt – Rome, Italy |
Since this was my introduction to bone churches – and a fine introduction at that – let’s have it be your introduction as well. Rome’s Capuchin Crypt occupies a tiny space underneath the Santa Maria della Immacolata Concezione dei Cappuccini church in Rome. And while it’s not a crypt in the same sense as the Paris catacombs, the walls of this series of small chapels are entirely decorated with the bones of Capuchin monks, so the word “crypt” definitely feels like an apt moniker when you’re there.
The soil in the crypt was brought from Jerusalem and is considered holy, so burial space disappeared quickly. To make room for additional people who wanted to be buried in that soil, they began removing bones of previously-buried monks and stacking them. Eventually, someone had the brilliant (well, I think it’s brilliant, anyway) idea of using those bones to decorate the walls.
The crypt features the bones of more than 4,000 monks who died between 1528 and 1870. There are six small chapels in the Capuchin Crypt, and all but one is creatively adorned with bones. Furthermore, some of the bone-covered chapels feature predominantly one particular bone. For instance, there’s a “Crypt of the Leg Bones and Thigh Bones” and a “Crypt of the Pelvises.”
My favorite bits of decor are the little grim reaper sculpted from bones, featured on one chapel’s ceiling, and the sign in the final chapel which says, “As you are, we once were. As we are, you shall be one day.” These may not be signs of the monks having a sense of humor, but they certainly make me giggle.
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Sedlec Ossuary – Sedlec, Czech Republic |
Outside the town of Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic (an easy and popular day-trip from Prague) sits the town of Sedlec, which may be famous for nothing besides its tiny bone church. Located beneath the Church of All Saints, the Sedlec Ossuary is – like the Capuchin Crypt – a massive collection of bones which have been arranged as art on the walls.
The ossuary was built in the 15th century in order to make room in the small adjacent cemetery for more burials, but it wasn’t until 1870 that the collected piles of bones were put to any kind of artistic use. That year, a local wood carver was hired to make sense of the bone chaos – but it’s unclear whether his bone art was exactly what the church had in mind.
Among the decorations in the Sedlec Ossuary, there’s a coat of arms on one wall representing a prominent local family of the time, and a massive chandelier (that actually works) hanging in the center of the room made entirely from bones. Not only that, the “artist” left his mark in bones – his signature and the date is crafted in bones near the church’s entrance.
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Medieval Ossuary – Wamba, Spain |
The tiny town of Wamba outside the city of Valladolid in northern Spain is home to yet another giant collection of bones, and like many other bone churches the original reason for piling the bones up was a simple lack of space remaining in the cemetery. The Medieval Ossuary in Wamba is in the Church of Santa Maria and contains bones from hundreds of villagers who died between the 12th and 18th centuries.
Unlike some of the other bone churches, the Wamba ossuary doesn’t have walls or ceilings which are ornately decorated with bones. Instead, the bones are just in huge piles – they’re organized piles, but they’re piles. Researchers have studied the bones and learned a great deal about medieval village life in Spain, but since all the bones are mixed together it’s impossible to put together a complete skeleton of one particular human being.
The designers of the Wamba ossuary wanted to convey the same kind of message to visitors as the designers of the Capuchin Crypt in Rome, because a sign over the entrance to the ossuary/shrine reads: “As you see yourself, I saw myself too. As you see me, you will see yourself. Everything ends in this. Think about it and you won’t fall into sin.”
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Hallstatt Karner – Hallstatt, Austria |
While most of the bone churches in Europe are filled with the bones of people who died hundreds of years ago, the ossuary in Hallstatt is different. The tradition in Austria has long been that graves are merely rented, and once the rental period is up bones are exhumed and moved to a karner, or bone house. The little Austrian village of Hallstatt is so small that the grave-rental period is a short 10 years.
One Hallstatt karner in particular, the Roman Catholic parish church, draws more visitors than just relatives paying their respects, as it has the skulls of more than 600 people on display – and each skull has been lovingly painted with its previous owner’s name, profession, and death dates.
While the last skull in the Hallstatt ossuary – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – dates from 1983, there are still requests today for individual skulls to be placed there after being appropriately dried and decorated.
In the high fashion capital that is Milan, you might not expect something as morbid as a bone church. But a few steps from the city’s famous Duomo is a church with a tiny chapel in the back that’s absolutely full of bones. The church of San Bernardino alle Ossa is unremarkable in most respects, but once you find the sign pointing you to the “ossario,” you’re in luck.
The footprint of the ossuary is incredibly small, but the ceiling soars overhead so there’s plenty of space on the high walls for the stacks of bones. For the most part, there’s nothing much that’s artistic about the displays – they’re essentially just carefully placed skulls and large bones. But in the two biggest wall panels, the large bones make up the background while the skulls are strategically arranged to make the symbol of the cross.
One Hallstatt karner in particular, the Roman Catholic parish church, draws more visitors than just relatives paying their respects, as it has the skulls of more than 600 people on display – and each skull has been lovingly painted with its previous owner’s name, profession, and death dates.
While the last skull in the Hallstatt ossuary – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – dates from 1983, there are still requests today for individual skulls to be placed there after being appropriately dried and decorated.
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San Bernardino alle Ossa – Milan, Italy |
The footprint of the ossuary is incredibly small, but the ceiling soars overhead so there’s plenty of space on the high walls for the stacks of bones. For the most part, there’s nothing much that’s artistic about the displays – they’re essentially just carefully placed skulls and large bones. But in the two biggest wall panels, the large bones make up the background while the skulls are strategically arranged to make the symbol of the cross.
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Capela dos Ossos – Evora, Portugal |
Bone churches by and large tend to be structures into which piles of bones have been placed. The Capela dos Ossos in the Church of St. Francis in Evora, Portugal, on the other hand, seems to be made of bones. The very walls of the chapel have bones in them, with cement holding everything together. Even the pillars supporting the ceiling have skulls running up and down them.
Built in the 16th century, the Capela dos Ossos (or Chapel of Bones) was built with the goal of pointing out how short life is. The poem at the chapel’s entrance emphasizes this, as it reads in part, “Where are you going in such a hurry, traveler? Pause … You have no greater concern than this one. … Recall how many have passed from this world, reflect on your similar end. Our bones that are here await yours.”
Estimates are that there are roughly 5,000 bodies whose skeletons are represented in the chapel, and if that’s not macabre enough for you there are also two bodies hanging from chains – and one of them is that of a child.
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Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo – Palermo, Italy |
For many, the word “catacombs” conjures up images of the underground burial vaults in Paris and Rome where bones are stacked along the walls. In Palermo, it’s something quite different. The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo are famous not just for the interesting way in which the dead are arranged, but also because of one amazingly well-preserved mummy.
Once again, the Palermo catacombs got their start in the late 16th century when the monks ran out of space in the cemetery. The climate in the underground space turned out to be ideal for preserving bodies, such that even some of the oldest skeletons in the catacombs still have some skin and hair left on them.
The last body to be placed in the catacombs was that of a two-year-old girl called Rosalia Lombardo, who remains so lifelike today that she looks like she could wake up from her nap any second and run outside to play – except she died in 1920. Rosalia’s body was perfectly preserved thanks to an embalming method which was, at the time, revolutionary. The specific formula was lost for decades, but was recently rediscovered – and what’s more, it still works.
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St. Michan’s Church – Dublin, Ireland |
While this isn’t technically a bone church, it fits nicely under the category of places to see skeletons. The burial vault that was built underneath St. Michan’s Church in Dublin may not have been intended as the perfect place to preserve bodies, but the limestone walls have resulted in a space where nothing rots. So as the coffins around the bodies disintegrate over time, the bodies themselves are left exposed and largely mummified.
Many of the bodies kept under St. Michan’s aren’t on public display, but visitors still flock to see the room containing four caskets without lids. The bodies of the four are entirely visible, including the mummified skin, and two of the bodies were cut into pieces before they went into their coffins. One of the bodies in the vault is a nun buried 400 years ago, though she’s not one of the bodies that’s visible to the public.
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Catacombs – Paris, France |
One of the most well-known collections of bones is also the largest and most-visited. The Catacombs of Paris contain a whopping six million bodies’ worth of bones spanning the walls of more than 300km of tunnels. You won’t see it all, and you shouldn’t try – but a guided tour is definitely something on many tourist to-do lists.
The Paris Catacombs exist partly because the city was running out of burial space, but also because cemeteries which were in the city limits were officially condemned because people living near them were getting sick. In the late 1780s the first bodies were moved into the underground tunnels, and it was opened to the public as a tourist attraction less than 100 years later.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Exorcists Issue Warning About Ouija Boards
Despite being a popular gift this Christmas, the humble Ouija board possesses a much darker side.![]() |
Not everyone considers the Ouija board to be family entertainment. |
Despite being a popular gift this Christmas, the humble
Ouija board possesses a much darker side.
Last month Google reported that Ouija boards were fast becoming one of this year's most popular Christmas gifts thanks to the popularity of Halloween movie 'Ouija', but now exorcists and paranormal investigators have warned that people should avoid purchasing them unless they know what they are doing.
Despite being sold in toy shops, Ouija boards have long been associated with the occult and some believe that their misuse can have unpleasant consequences.
"It's easy to open up evil spirits but it's very hard to get rid of them," said one priest who wished to remain anonymous. "People can be very naive in thinking that they are only contacting the departed souls of loved-ones when they attempt to communicate with the dead using the boards."
Paranormal investigator Darren Ansell has also expressed concern. "I wouldn't touch an Ouija board with a barge pole," he said. "I've had too many scares over the years."
His group, Paranormal Study and Investigation (PSI), has conducted several controlled experiments indicating that the movements of the planchette during a Ouija session may simply be the result of the subconscious muscle movements of those taking part.
Despite this however Ansell maintains that some of the people he has talked to have had experiences following the use of a Ouija board that cannot be so readily explained.
Disembodied voices, strange noises and objects being flung around the room are all things that have been reported by people who have attempted to contact spirits using one of the boards.
Last month Google reported that Ouija boards were fast becoming one of this year's most popular Christmas gifts thanks to the popularity of Halloween movie 'Ouija', but now exorcists and paranormal investigators have warned that people should avoid purchasing them unless they know what they are doing.
Despite being sold in toy shops, Ouija boards have long been associated with the occult and some believe that their misuse can have unpleasant consequences.
"It's easy to open up evil spirits but it's very hard to get rid of them," said one priest who wished to remain anonymous. "People can be very naive in thinking that they are only contacting the departed souls of loved-ones when they attempt to communicate with the dead using the boards."
Paranormal investigator Darren Ansell has also expressed concern. "I wouldn't touch an Ouija board with a barge pole," he said. "I've had too many scares over the years."
His group, Paranormal Study and Investigation (PSI), has conducted several controlled experiments indicating that the movements of the planchette during a Ouija session may simply be the result of the subconscious muscle movements of those taking part.
Despite this however Ansell maintains that some of the people he has talked to have had experiences following the use of a Ouija board that cannot be so readily explained.
Disembodied voices, strange noises and objects being flung around the room are all things that have been reported by people who have attempted to contact spirits using one of the boards.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Haunted: (Full Documentary About The Supernatural/Ghosts)
According to many witnesses, Ghosts are not just a Halloween costume. Throughout history - mankind has been fascinated with the idea of ghosts, but solid scientific -- in other words "replicable" evidence is lacking. Many places exist that claim to be haunted, but many people find that when they go there, the experiences are varied.
It is generally regarded as wrong to claim they do exist or don't exist -- and to enforce it on anybody else. This can cause genuine fear in people. Others gain comfort through the use of mediums to contact loved ones. These people claim to be able to contact the dead -- once again with mixed results.
1. Do ghosts, spirits and guardian angles exist?
2. Can you speak do your loved ones from across the grave?
3. Can your home be haunted?
Ghost Hunting Spirit Summoners Burn Historic 'Ghost Church' to the Ground!
After Gaining Paranormal Fame, Ghost Hunting Spirit Summoners Burn Historic 'Ghost Church' to the Ground
St. John's Anglican Church
Hidden in a forest in rural Quebec, St. John's was built in 1858 by British and Irish settlers in the town of Laurentians. The tiny church was nothing to look at, but it was built well and outlived generations of worshiper who eventually left it behind. As the community gradually shrank into a ghost town, the church became the last remnant of Shrewsbury, a Scottish and Irish settlement founded in the 1820s.
Somewhere down the line, the church's worn-down appearance and relatively desolate location led to whispered tales of mass suicide, Satanic cults, and of course, stories about brushes with the sorrowful ghosts trapped in its walls. As the rumors surrounding the church grew, so did the visits from those looking for a supernatural thrill, and St. John's became the place to go for weekend trysts with the dead.
Ghost Church in the Laurentians by RandomVideoChannel
Unfortunately, the church's name became listed on more and more ghost hunting websites attached to stories that were more and more exaggerated and extreme. Enraged locals who had heard about "black masses" being conducted by local Satanic cults would often break in, searching for the shadowy figures, causing untold damage in the process. Some would hack off chunks of gravestones from the cemetery as a keepsake. Others would destroy the property just for fun.
The Vankleek Hill Review reported:
Over the past few decades the little church survived destruction, defecation, robbery and vandalism. The bells were stolen from the bell-tower on three separate occasions during the past three decades alone. The interior and exterior of the building were attacked with axes, hammers and spray paint and many of the tombstones were toppled and defaced.
Finally, in 2010, the Anglican diocese, frustrated at the lack of police presence and their
inability to protect the property, de-consecrated the building. The local municipality of Gore had plans to acquire government grants and renovate the church, using it as a community center, but sadly, it didn't last long enough. On January 12 of this year, it burned to the ground. Some say that the fire was caused by candles used in an unauthorized seance to contact the spirits of the dead.
CTV News
In an instant, the last remnants of a ghost town's history were destroyed in a blaze caused by ghost hunters.
As sad as this story is, it's not an uncommon one. Just last year, one ghost hunting team destroyed a rich piece of Louisiana history by setting it on fire. The suspects told authorities that they snuck into the LeBeau Plantation House in order to investigate claims that the building was haunted. Unfortunately for everyone, many news outlets reported that these ghost hunters had more in common with Shaggy and Scooby than with Fred and Velma, because instead of actually solving any mysteries they just got high and accidentally set fire to the building.
Stories of destruction like this are a good reminder that whether you're heading to a paranormal hotspot like The Alpine Portal, chasing the White Lady of Union Cemetery, or deciding to try your luck by daring to touch the cursed The Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery, you should do your best to adhere to the urban explorer's code: take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints. This way future generations can experience the same locations you did, whether or not they care about history or just the things that go bump in the night.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Eerie figure photographed in family photo!
A woman was taking photos of her family last summer and after she reviewed the images, she noticed something strange in one of them. She sent the photo to the paranormal website Ghost Study to be analyzed this month.
Jessika Worcester recently submitted a photo to Ghost Study that she believes might be evidence of the paranormal. In the photo, an eerie figure is seen lurking in the background near a pet cage.
"Not sure if this is a ghost by the cage but it sure gave us a fright when we saw the photo. The picture was taken last summer on August 2, 2013. The little girl standing on the trampoline is my daughter and the little boy running near the ghostly figure is my son. Could our yard be haunted? Any help you can offer would be much appreciated," Worcester said to Jim Eaton of Ghost Study.
Some people think that it might be visual paredolia or an actual dog. Other folks think that it might actually be a spirit that is visiting the family.
"It looks like a ghostly figure up against a dog kennel in the background, right? And that could very well be the case! But to be professional, we need to consider all aspects of the photo. One observation is that the little boy seems to be running in the general direction of the figure. If that's true, then it could be a living relative and the boy is actually running towards him. And with that in mind, the shadows, the distance away and man's particular clothes could in fact give the illusion of a ghost. At least that's a possibility to consider. To me, if it is a ghost, it looks a bit like a ghost man sitting down and he's holding a child that is standing in front of him," Eaton said in response to the photo.
What do you think the eerie figure is? Is it a real person? Is it a hoax? Could it be a ghost? Post your opinion in the comment section below.
Young couple call in ghostbusters after spooky nightmare in home built on old burial ground!
Danielle Evanson and Brandon Waterton contacted paranormal detectives after taps started turning on by themselves and a KNIFE embedded in a door!
However someone – or something – seemed determined to make their lives hell…
“My boyfriend and I were in love and we’d finally moved in together,” says the 18-year-old from Crewe, Cheshire.
“Snuggling up on the sofa, I gave him a kiss. Our two-bed house was just perfect. What more could we want?”
But the nightmare was soon to begin for her and Brandon, 20.
Danielle continues: “A few weeks later a friend of mine came to stay. While she was in the bedroom upstairs one evening, I decided to make some tea.
“But I was shocked at what I saw. Last time I’d been in the kitchen, the cupboards were closed.
"As a naturally tidy person, I always washed up and put everything away, but a tin of beans lay on the floor and a cupboard was wide open. ‘Strange,’ I thought.”
In bed that night, the couple’s sleep was suddenly disturbed.
“I woke with a start,” recalls Danielle. “A terrible banging was coming from downstairs. Brandon! Did you hear that?’ I shook him.
“Wide awake, he nodded. ‘It’s probably just your friend.’ He crept downstairs to see what it was. Furniture was moved about but the front door was firmly shut. No one was there.”
They began to blame each other.
“We even asked my mate if she was making the noises but she thought it was us. She soon left.”
Over the next few weeks it got worse.
Danielle says: “Taps turned on by themselves, and the bathroom flooded. Handprints appeared on windows and we found a knife embedded in a door.
“And when a bag of doughnuts left on the living room table went up in flames, Brandon had to rush downstairs to put out the fire. Another time I found the words ‘get out’ written on a mirror,” shudders the teenager.
“Then Brandon started taking photos as evidence. In one I was shocked to see a white blur behind me. We didn’t believe in ghosts, but then…
“I even saw a shadow in a mirror that looked like a man, a monk.”
Eventually, action had to be taken.
“We asked the council if they knew anyone who could exorcise our house, but they told us not to be silly. So we found a local paranormal team on Facebook.”
One of the team inspected the site and revealed some dark news to the couple.
“He said our house was built on a burial ground from centuries ago,” says Danielle.
“The family died a terrible death and it seemed the father blamed his wife. She was a Wiccan witch. Now one of them – the father perhaps – wouldn’t move on from the house.
“A few days later we began the DIY exorcism. Brandon walked round wafting sandalwood incense into every nook and cranny and I had to pray in the living room. But when my boyfriend went into our bedroom the door slammed shut.
“My heart raced. He was being dragged down the hallway. Using all his might, he got to me in the dining room.
"Then there was a huge gust and we saw the monk reflected in the mirror. An enormous tall dark shape.
The nightmare was almost over.
She continues: “The spirit will be trapped in the mirror, the team had told us.
“Brandon took the mirror outside and smashed it to pieces – before bringing in one of the shards of glass. The spirit was finally broken.
"Immediately the house felt calmer. We can only hope it stays that way.”
"Die bitch": Ouija board spells out murderous threat to mum from the afterlife!
Angela Jackson quickly came to regret her decision to use the board when she received the threat from the spirit world.
But the mum of two quickly came to regret her decision when she received a murderous threat from the spirit world.
It all started when Angela received a message from her dead father at a spiritualist meeting. She explains: "Cradling a cup of tea, I took my seat at the back of the packed hall.
"A lady stood on stage at the front. She scanned the crowd, then her eyes fixed on me. 'Welcome to my world...' she began to sing, blasting out the Jim Reeves' classic at the top of her voice.
"I squirmed under her intense gaze. But then it clicked - that was my dad, Charlie's favourite song. He'd passed away 20 years ago.
"The singing stopped and the psychic said, 'Your dad has a warning for you. You're thinking about using a Ouija board, but don't. No good will come from it.' My jaw dropped open - she was right, I had been thinking about it."
Angela had been obsessed with the afterlife since she was a child and sometimes had dreams that came true.
"One night I'd dreamt my dad wouldn't be around to see the following Christmas," she says.
"A few months later he was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away soon after."
She soon developed a fascination with Ouija boards and began to read up about them.
"It was risky because there was no knowing who you may connect with. Demons and evil spirits could get through too.
"I decided that was probably what Dad was worried about. But despite his warning, I couldn't get the idea out of my head."
One night Angela's neighbours invited her over for drinks and it wasn't long before they got on to her favourite subject - the afterlife - and they decided to try using a Ouija board.
Angela says: "They'd obviously done it before because they pulled out a stack of homemade cards with letters of the alphabet and numbers written on them.
"In the flickering glow of the candlelight the three of us got cushions and sat cross-legged around the make-shift board.
"My heart thudded with excitement as we all placed our index fingers lightly on the bottom of an upturned whisky glass they'd placed on the table.
"It began to pull in every direction. 'Who is it you want to speak too?' Robert, my neighbour, asked. "The glass started moving towards the letters, spelling out... A-N-G-E-L-A.
"The spirit wanted to speak to me. But then it spelt out, 'Die bitch'. 'That's not funny,' I said. But Robert said, 'Angela, we didn't do anything.' He snatched his finger back from the glass and we all shrieked as the living room door slammed shut on its own.
"My voice quivering, I asked, 'Who are you?' With only my finger on the glass it moved faster. 'I was murdered,' it scrawled. 'Just like you're going to be.'" Nightmare Angela asked again: "Who are you?" and the glass quickly spelt out S-A-T-A-N. She then screamed: "I'm not scared - to hell with you!"
And with that the tumbler flew off the table and smashed into the wall.
She says: "Leaping up, my neighbour slammed on the lights and blew out the candles. 'We should never do this again,' he said.
But they weren't the ones who'd been told they were going to be murdered. I needed to know more." Over the next few months Angela convinced her neighbours to try to contact the spirit again, but it never came back.
"Then one night I woke screaming and sweating from a terrible nightmare. I'd dreamt I was being attacked by a man carrying a hammer.
"That's when I knew things had gone too far. I was scaring myself to death. I'm not doing the Ouija board any more, I vowed."
The neighbours moved away and Angela tried to put the experience behind her, but the murderous message hung over her like a dark cloud.
She says: "I was scared to go out and when I did could feel someone's eyes on me." Soon afterwards she was heading out to visit her son, Darren, 28, who lived nearby.
Angela, from Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, says: "I locked the front door of my flat, then started walking down the concrete steps in the stairwell.
"From behind me I heard a voice. 'Die bitch,' it growled. I froze at the sound of those words. "Shaking with fear, I turned to see a man in a white T-shirt, emerging from the shadows wielding a claw hammer.
"I screamed as he brought the weapon down on my head with a sickening thud. He hit me again and warm blood began trickling down my face.
"I couldn't see where my attacker was I just wanted to get away. "Drenched in blood, I made it to the front door and then collapsed. "Waking in hospital I felt confused and groggy. 'You were attacked,' a doctor explained. 'You've suffered a fractured skull.'"
She told police everything she could remember, but they could not find Angela's attacker.
Angela says: "I lived in fear that whoever it was would return and finish the job, just as the spirit had warned through the Ouija board.
"It's been six years now since the attack. No one has ever been caught and I'm still scared the spirit's prediction will one day come true.
"If I'd listened to Dad's warnings through the psychic maybe none of this would've happened. "But now I'm warning all of you - never mess with Ouija boards. You don't know what evil lurks in the afterlife."
Have you got a ouija board story to share? - Post It Here!
Monday, 10 November 2014
Graveyard Ghost? Does This Photo Capture A Spooky Spirit In St Mary’s Church In Hull
At the stroke of midnight on a Halloween ghost tour in Hull city centre the ghostly shape of a man in a top hat loomed from the shadows behind a tomb.
Mr Penn, a carer from Hull, snapped a photo of the dark graveyard scene in St Mary's Church and was shocked when he saw the picture on his phone.

“I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing but I was taking photos all through the tour, just in case anything popped out, and then I saw the man in the hat.
“The gentleman is just standing behind the tomb and you can see him staring directly at the camera - it really freaked me out.
“I’ve never been on a ghost tour before and never seen anything like it so it’s got me thinking about what other ghosts might be lurking out there.”
The tour’s organizer and leading Hull historian Mike Covell says ghost sightings are on the rise in the city centre.
The writer and Jack The Ripper expert, who set up his company Amazing Hull Tours several years ago, said there has been a big jump in the number of customers who have seen ghostly figures.
Mike Covell said: “I’ve been running ghost walks in the city centre for about a year now, but over the past few weeks there has been a big rise in the number of people who say they have seen ghosts.

It was the second time in only two weeks that Mike says one of his walkers had spotted a ghost at St Mary’s Church.
“The other day one of the women on my tour said she saw the figure of a woman in white walking through the graveyard.
“What I hadn’t told her at the time is that this is a sighting that has been mentioned in history books going back 100 years, but the story has never been published in any of the papers, so I’m not sure how she could have known about it.”
SOURCE: Hull Daily Mail
Friday, 17 October 2014
Watch: CCTV Captures 'Ghosts' Haunting Yorkshire Antiques Shop
Owner of the Barnsley Antiques Centre in Yorkshire records apparent paranormal activity!
CCTV cameras installed in an antiques shop purport to show some spooky paranormal happenings.
Footage captured in the Barnsley Antiques Centre appears to show pictures suddenly falling off walls and a glass cabinet shattering. A white mist and a glowing orb are also spotted hovering over the shop floor.
Shop owner Daniel Parker has been collecting videos of the unexplained accidents over the past year to support his theory that the premises is haunted by ghosts.
British Family Shocked At Text From Dead Grandmother!
London (AFP) - A British family were shocked to receive a text message apparently from their dead grandmother, who had been buried with her phone three years earlier.
Lesley Emerson died aged 59 in 2011, and was buried with some of her favourite things including her mobile phone.
Her granddaughter Sheri, 22, found comfort in continuing to sending text messages to her grandmother's phone.
Sheri was stunned last week to get a reply reading "I'm watching over you."
"I felt sick when I read it," Sheri told the Shields Gazette. "I was in shock and didn't know what to think."
Her uncle rang the number and it emerged it was being used by a man, who believed the texts from Sheri were joke messages from friends.
The new user, and the phone company O2 which passed the number on to be re-assigned, have apologised.
Lesley Emerson died aged 59 in 2011, and was buried with some of her favourite things including her mobile phone.
Her granddaughter Sheri, 22, found comfort in continuing to sending text messages to her grandmother's phone.
Sheri was stunned last week to get a reply reading "I'm watching over you."
"I felt sick when I read it," Sheri told the Shields Gazette. "I was in shock and didn't know what to think."
Her uncle rang the number and it emerged it was being used by a man, who believed the texts from Sheri were joke messages from friends.
The new user, and the phone company O2 which passed the number on to be re-assigned, have apologised.
What is the Black Ring of Leamington Spa?
Mysterious object in the sky is captured by girl, 16, on her iPhone:
- Circle remained in Warwickshire sky for three minutes and then vanished
- Georgina Heap, who took photo, said it is 'weirdest' thing she's ever seen
- UFO expert said he believed the circle could be a swarm of insects
- No fire in the area on Friday evening and no meteorological reason given
Weather experts have been baffled by a black ring which appeared in the sky above Leamington Spa on Friday evening.
Schoolgirl Georgina Heap was playing tennis with her mother Jo Heap when she looked up at the sky near Warwick castle and saw a mysterious black ring.
She photographed the circle on her iPhone but so far, no one can explain the origin of the strange black mark
The ring remained in the sky for around three minutes before disappearing completely.
The circle resembles a giant smoke ring but Warwickshire Fire and Rescue service said that there had been no reports of fire at the time of the sighting.
Nick Pope, an expert on UFOs and a previous government adviser on unexplained phenomena, said he believed the circle to be 'organic'.
He said: 'It's a truly bizarre image. It looks like a smoke ring, but I can't see where it could have come from.
'Other alternatives would include some sort of unusual meteorological phenomenon.
'One other possibility is that the shape is made up of millions of bees or other insects, but I've never heard of insects behaving in this way before, so if this is the explanation, it's a real-life X-File.'
Miss Heap, who is studying for her GCSEs, described the circle as 'the weirdest thing I have ever seen'.
She said: 'I looked up at it and thought ‘what the hell?’, it was amazing.
'It was just floating there like a cloud and then it disappeared. It wasn’t birds either.
'There were about ten of us who stopped what we were doing and watched.'
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Massive Underwater Entrance Discovered Off The California Coast
A massive underwater entrance has been discovered off the Malibu, CA coast at Point Dume which appears to be the Holy Grail of UFO/USO researchers that have been looking for it over the last 40 years. The plateau structure is 1.35 miles x 2.45 miles wide, 6.66 miles from land and the entrance between the support pillars is 2745 feet wide and 630 feet tall. It also has what looks like a total nuclear bomb proof ceiling that is 500 feet thick. The discovery was made by Maxwell, Dale Romero and Jimmy Church, host of FADE to BLACK on the Dark Matter Radio Network on Monday, May 12th 2014 and announced on Facebook, Twitter and Church’s radio program the following day. The underwater base has been a mystery for many years with hundreds of UFO/USO sightings…many with photographs…but the entrance of the base has remained elusive…until now. The entrance can support nuclear sized submarines and massive UFO/USO activity and allow access to different military installations that are inside the US such as the China Lake Naval Base that is in the middle of the Mojave desert and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Hawthorne, NV between Las Vegas and Reno. In the photographs you can see its relation to the coastline, Los Angeles and its natural surroundings which to not match up with the structure itself…which is massive in scale. The support pillars to the entrance are over 600 feet tall. Malibu, California, is known the world over for its scenic beauty and as the playground of the rich and famous. Few people know that it is also the land of UFOs.
In the late 1950s, as my neighbor and some of his friends were watching the sun setting on the Pacific Ocean, they witnessed three bright UFOs fly across the water at great speed then hover for a few minutes over the Santa Monica Mountains before flying off out of sight. My family moved in around 1962. We had a perfect view of Zuma Beach in our front yard with the mountains for our backyard, and the star-filled sky above us at night. During the 1960s, people were frequently seeing UFOs flying around Malibu, but a lot of people were taking hallucinogenic substances in those days too. However, by the early 1970s, whole families were going down to the beach at Point Dume at night to watch the multicolored UFOs that would sink under the water at times.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Does The Demon In Your Head Scare You?
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” -Eph. 6: 10-12
This is a war that we cannot see, so we often miss it entirely. Sometimes, Christians and even non-Christians can feel the effects of spiritual warfare, but certainly not always. This is a battle that is raging on 24/7. It began near the very beginning of time when the archangel, Lucifer, rebelled against God and was thus kicked out of his place in Heaven. This is a battle between God and Satan, angels and demons, good and evil; and it is all being fought over one thing–your soul. Mine too. I once heard someone speaking on the topic, and they said something quite profound. To paraphrase, they mentioned that since Satan cannot directly hurt God, he will hurt God vicariously though hurting the thing that God loves most deeply: mankind. Mankind is the peak and epitome of God’s creation. Mankind is the only thing in all of creation that God sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth in order for Him to die in their place to save them. That is the display of God’s love towards mankind, and that is the same mankind that Satan is seeking to destroy; since he cannot directly destroy God. Satan knows that he has already been defeated and his days here on earth are limited, due to the cross of Christ; however, his goal is to take as many human beings with him to hell as he possibly can. The more he takes with him, the more he takes away from God.
What is incredibly unnerving to me is how little spiritual warfare is truly spoken of and preached about in churches these days. I feel like culture has more to say about the topic than the church does. All you need to do is watch movies, TV shows, and music videos; and you will soon catch on to what I am saying. This should be concerning to the church. The day we start relying on Hollywood to feed us information that the church should be responsible for teaching, is the day that church leaders have officially failed their people. Not only do non-believers seem to have a disconnect with the true and important knowledge regarding spiritual warfare, but many church-going Christians do not seem to be much better off in their knowledge. The demons are not all in our heads, like skeptics would want us to think; they are out here, prowling the earth, seeking to devour the souls of whomever they can.
The church needs to find a solid middle ground for this topic. I know of too many Christians who do not give any thought to spiritual warfare at all. On the flip side, I know of too many Christians who credit every single bad thing that happens in their lives as a “spiritual battle” and “the devil out to get them.” Both of these camps of thought are dangerous places to settle. On the one hand, some are not giving Satan and his demons enough credit for the power they possess and the destruction they can impose on a person’s life. On the other hand, some are giving Satan and his demons way too much power over their lives, and are probably very well blaming the enemy for things that he is not responsible for. Satan and the demons are definitely incredibly powerful; however, they are not all-powerful. Since we live in a fallen world, bad things are going to happen simply because of sin and the Fall; certainly not always because of spiritual battles. This is where the church needs to walk that fine line right in between the middle of these two ideas; for that is where we will find biblical principles concerning spiritual warfare. Above all, it is time for the church to stop being silent about this topic. Satan is real. His demons are real. Evil is real. Hell is real. The battle for your soul is real! Hopefully the church wakes up soon and realizes that, since these things are real, it is really important to bring the topic of spiritual warfare to light.
“Diabolical forces are formidable. These forces are eternal, and they exist today. The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.” -Ed Warren, Demonologist
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Is There a GHOST at Dudley Castle? Mum of Three Spots Spooky Figure in Phone Snap
Amy Harper took a selection of pictures while visiting the West Midlands attraction with her kids, but spotted a ghostly female figure in the background:
Mum-of-three Amy Harper got a supernatural shock on a family trip to Dudley Castle - when she claimed she spotted a ghost lurking in an archway.
Amy, from Birmingham, took a selection of pictures while visiting the West Midlands attraction with her kids, but was left stunned when she spotted a ghostly female figure in the background.
Amy, from Birmingham, took a selection of pictures while visiting the West Midlands attraction with her kids, but was left stunned when she spotted a ghostly female figure in the background.
She believes the blurred figure of a woman she caught on camera could be a ghost called the Grey Lady, who is said to have haunted the castle for centuries.
Amy, 28, said: 'The picture is really spooky. I was shocked when I looked back and could clearly see the ghostly figure.
Amy, 28, said: 'The picture is really spooky. I was shocked when I looked back and could clearly see the ghostly figure.
'I was having a day out with my husband Dean at the castle and decided to take some pictures. It wasn't until we looked at them closer when we got home that we saw the ghost.
'Dean's a believer but I wasn't - until now. Looking back the pictures there is a strange red glow in one of the upper rooms, and when zoomed in there is a woman in grey inside an arch. It is really creepy.
'Dean had heard about the ghost of the Grey Lady who has apparently been spotted at the castle over the years. And we think it must be her.
'Some people have said I have edited the picture- but I took it on my phone, not a fancy camera and to be honest I wouldn't have a clue where to start.'
The spooky snap was taken of the Sharington Range Tudor palace, which is within the Dudley Castle grounds, and Amy and 33-year-old Dean didn't notice the chilling figure until they returned home.
Amy said: 'It is quite clear so it has changed my mind about ghosts- but I'm not phased. Dean is really spooked out though and said that night that he didn't want to turn the lights off!'
Dudley Castle, which dates back to 1071, has been regarded as one of the most haunted in the UK and the legend of the Grey Lady has been around for centuries, with multiple sighting of the fabled spook.
According to legend the Grey Lady is the spirit of a woman called Dorothy Beaumont who died shortly after childbirth, along with her child. She wanted to buried next to her child, but her wish was never granted and so she haunts the castle grounds.
Amy said: 'It is just astonishing how clear the picture is- it must be the Grey Lady'.
According to legend the Grey Lady is the spirit of a woman called Dorothy Beaumont who died shortly after childbirth, along with her child. She wanted to buried next to her child, but her wish was never granted and so she haunts the castle grounds.
Amy said: 'It is just astonishing how clear the picture is- it must be the Grey Lady'.
SOURCE:Yahoo News
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