Wednesday, 27 August 2014

'It's Real': Priest Reveals Exorcism Rituals

'It's Real': Priest Reveals Exorcism Rituals

Photo: Father May says he is approached by hundreds of people each year who claim to be possessed by a demon.
  Apart from heads spinning in 360-degree circles and streams of flowing green vomit, real-life exorcisms are remarkably similar to what you see in the movies, an Australian exorcist says.

Father Barry May - an Anglican priest, exorcist, author and former police chaplain - has performed dozens of exorcisms in his 40 years of ministry.

The 73-year-old Perth man says more Australians are seeking exorcisms, and as such, over the past four years he has dedicated his life solely to ridding people of their demons.

Father May tells anyone sceptical about the ancient Catholic ritual to "get real" and psychologists have backed the man, saying exorcism "has its place" in society.

"I've been spat at, yelled at, grabbed at, sworn at, had people trying to rip my crucifix off my throat, gouge my eyes out, fighting, assault. I get all that stuff and you tell me it's superstition?" Father May said.

"No, get real. And that's exactly what it is, it's real.

"Forget the head spinning and the green vomit you see in the movies, but the rest of what you see in the movies is damn close to being real, it's not funny.

"It takes a lot out of me, I sweat profusely. It's a real exercise-and-a-half I tell you."

Father May says his first calling into the world of demons came in the 1970s when a woman at a funeral he was conducting asked him if he believed in ghosts.

"I thought it was a rather strange question to ask," he said.

"I told her 'yes', and she said 'well I've got a ghost in the house next door to me'. So I went to her house and dealt with it."

Since then he has developed an expertise in exorcism - casting the "evil one" out of people - and is approached by hundreds of people each year who claim to be possessed by a demon - or two.

"I remember I did one with a girl who was about 23 years of age and I kept saying to her 'are you free yet?'.

"And she would say 'no I'm not', in her own voice.

"It took hours and hours to deliver her and as soon as I said 'spirit, reveal yourself', she would growl and spit and cross her eyes.

"She threw about 12 of the demons out and she was free."

The Catholic Church's Lismore Bishop, Goffrey Jarrett, says Catholicism recognises various forms of exorcism.

He says they were first performed by Jesus Christ.

"Minor exorcism ordinarily takes place in many of the church's rites and sacraments, using the sign of the cross, and in the blessing of people and material things such as holy water," he said in a recent statement in response to the increasing number of requests for exorcisms.

"Major exorcism, however, may be required in rarer cases where it is established by appropriate investigation that the victim's claim to be tormented by a demon is really true."

Father May says he performs both types of exorcism, but major exorcisms are his specialty. He says the ritual requires a crucifix, candle, holy water and most of all, a commanding voice.

But he says he will only perform one if, after several interviews and meetings with the person, he deems them to be possessed, rather than psychologically ill.

"I might see somebody every two weeks but generally I might have only done 20 exorcisms in my life," he said.

"The ancient rite of exorcism is only used after a lot of investigation and the person needs to agree to it... not everybody has demons. I think that's a mistake people make."

In a successful exorcism, Father May says the demon is sent straight to hell. But he says there is always the risk it will inhabit another person in the room.

"About 10 years ago I had a lady who was very erotic, getting on her hands and knees - I won't go into the details on that - but she was making barking noises, thrusts with her body, it was just ghastly to watch," he said.

"I had her husband there with me - thank goodness. But I cast this thing out of her, and then on the other side of the curtain this bloke started doing the same thing.

"He started barking and yelling and shouting and screaming, it was just a ghastly experience."

Father May says one of his worst experiences has been with women and men who claim to have been raped by demons while lying in their beds at night or watching TV.

"It's rather a mystery because although intercourse doesn't take place they feel as though it has. They feel absolutely ravished and raped, and several women have had that problem," he said.

"I've had two men tell me they've had that same problem with female demons who try to have sex with them."

Lismore's Bishop Jarrett puts the issue down to "a widespread preoccupation with Satanism and various occult practices", and Father May agrees.

"People are messing around with stuff they don't know," he said.

"They're not all crackers, they're not all psychos, they're those ordinary people who live in our streets, they've done something they shouldn't have done and they've got their fingers burnt."

Demon versus state of mind
Psychologist Dr Mitch Byrne from the University of Wollongong says while he does not believe in demons, the method of exorcism has its merits.

"Oddly enough, I'd say yes there is a place for these people," he said.

"If you are a person who is possessed of a delusional belief or a psychiatric disability, and you have a strong religious belief, and that belief can be marshalled to help you overcome your distress then why not?"

"I wouldn't say it is the best call or should be the first call in terms of a way of dealing with psychological disturbance, but people should never underestimate the power of belief.

"Suicide bombers and Kamikaze pilots are evidence that the power of belief is beyond any sort of rational argument, so perhaps working within someone's belief system is the best way to help them recover from their disability or distress."

He says he has no doubt people who believe they are possessed do incredible things, but he attributes this to the mind - not demons.

"There is an enormous amount of power and energy in the human body that we don't usually exert, and people under the right sort of circumstances can marshal that power for a very brief and short period of time, usually at some physiological cost," he said.

"They can marshal it to engage in acts of human strength and agility and so on.

"So if a person is possessed of a delusional belief or a psychotic condition they may evidence some degree of excessive or unusual behaviour which we might interpret as being possessed or as evidence of a demon."

Dr Gerard Stoyles, also from the University of Wollongong, is both a psychologist and a Catholic priest.

Unlike Dr Byrne, Dr Stoyles believes in the existence of demons, or an "evil presence", as he describes it.

He says there is a place for exorcism provided all other possible psychological, psychiatric and medical conditions have been ruled out.

"As a psychologist I'd have to say that somebody who is giving out all the indications of being evil and bad... I would not automatically say that person is possessed," he said.

"My first inclination would be that this person has somehow gone right off the rails.

"But I believe also that there are instances where people can end up being caught up in behaviours that are outside the realm of the normal, that they don't want, are not conscious of, that are not like them personally, and for which there is no explanation either in the physical world or in the world of medical and psychological and psychiatric science.

"Once you turn around and say there is no scientific explanation for this person's behaviour... then you're confronted with the question of what the hell is it?"

Dr Stoyles says too often, people seeking exorcisms are not given proper medical treatment.

"I get very concerned when people are denied good physical, psychological and psychiatric treatment simply because someone is convinced that they are possessed and therefore they must go down this route of exorcism and ignore the route of medical care," he said.

"That is just playing a game with people's lives, so it angers me and it concerns me.

"This issue is something that has to be very, very carefully addressed with a rational and scientific mind that seeks out what is really going on rather than what is exotic and what is fantastic... I think too much of that sort of stuff goes on."

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Extended Mind And Human Intuitive Abilities

Former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University, Rupert Sheldrake, discussed his work on the extended mind and human intuitive abilities including telephone telepathy, and how dogs know their owners are coming home. His telephone telepathy experiment involved having a subject give the experimenters four different friends' phone numbers; then the experimenters randomly chose one of the people to call the subject, who tried to predict which one it would be. In repeated trials, the correct hits averaged around 45%, which was far higher than the 25% chance rate, he detailed. For more on the experiment, see this video report.

Sheldrake suggested that such phenomena may arise out of morphic fields-- intention, thoughts, and memories that extend out past the mind, and can be picked up by others, including animals. His study of dogs that know when their owner is coming home revealed that the pets wait by the window 4% of the time when the owner is not home, and 60% of the time when the owner is about to return. Further, he spoke about an African gray parrot named N'Kisi who seems to demonstrate telepathy, and has a 1,500 word vocabulary. Sheldrake also touched on a disturbing 2008 incident, when a Japanese man knifed him in the leg when he was speaking at a conference. It turned out that the man suffered from mental illness and thought Sheldrake was sending him telepathic messages to kill himself, so he attacked him out of "self defense."

Frightening Close Encounter in the Yukons

Here is a sighting that took place in the Canadian territory of Yukon. It happened at a location that is famous in UFO circles, The Klondike Highway  Canada has had three of the most discussed cases in Ufology: The Falcon Lake Encounter,  The Klondike Highway, Yukon - 03-30-00

Background - There have been many close encounters with UFOs in the Yukon but it is not often that we get a report like this so soon after it occurs. The witnesses were interviewed about 15 hours after their experience. They were still in a state of shock, coherent, and sincere. For those who doubt accounts like this, I only wish they could hear the witnesses first hand. Their emotional state and what they had to say has left a deep impression on me.

Many thanks to FOX 4 for notifying us of this sighting, conducting the initial interview and for obtaining the witness drawing. Since this article has been published one of the witnesses has informed us that she does not mind having her identity disclosed. "I know what I saw, and I was a skeptic before," Leah Isaac states.

The Account

Leah Isaac, a friend of hers, and a young boy (who was asleep) were travelling northbound along the Klondike Highway from Whitehorse to the Village of Pelly Crossing, Yukon. The sky was clear with a glow of predawn blue. They were nearing the end of Little Fox Lake and came around a sharp right-hand bend near the base of a mountain.

Upon coming out from the bend they could not believe their eyes! To the right and about 300 ft. (90 meters) away was a 30 to 40 ft. (9 to 12 meters) diameter saucer, hovering about 200 ft. (60 meters) off the ground! They observed it to be stationary for 4 to 5 seconds as they were travelling along the highway and then it shot across horizontally in front of their vehicle at an "incredible speed" and stopped instantly on the left side of the road.

"Nothing can move that fast; in the blink of an eye," the witnesses described. It remained motionless for only another split second and shot off even faster in a different direction (basically performing a 90-degree turn and shooting off behind them). One witness thought it went right into the side of a mountain while the other thought it followed the mountainous skyline.

"Come on, floor it, floor it!" shouted the friend to Leah. 

They continued northbound fleeing from the location and eventually pulled over about 20 minutes later. They were both visibly shaking. "We were more scared than excited, I think if it wasn't so close it would not have been so frightening; it's like we caught it by surprise when we came around the corner, it was so advanced."

"I'll never be the same," were some of the comments by the witnesses.  The witnesses got a good look at the saucer. It was a classic disc shape with a dome on top. The dome had two curved windows or lights from which a beautiful ocean blue or aqua colored light was shining. The surface of the craft was difficult to describe. 

Surface of the Saucer

Some of the words the witnesses used were "mirror, silver, translucent, shiny, glassy, reflecting the color of the sky."

It was as though the UFO was trying to camouflage against the background sky color. Had it been pitch black out, I don't think we would have seen the body of the craft, just the windows or lights.  As the UFO streaked in front of their vehicle, the car headlights dimmed and their tape deck stopped playing. They both wanted to check the time of their sighting. 

Electromagnetic Effects

However, Leah's battery-operated analog watch stopped at 5:00 am, and the man's digital watch went blank, and then got stuck in "chrono mode" and wouldn't reset. A few miles down the road Leah tapped the face of her watch and it started working again. The man fiddled around pushing buttons on his digital watch and it started working as well; the time indicated was 5:12 am. 

They checked the tape deck and by all indications, John Fogerty should have been playing away. The tape hadn't run out, the volume was on, and the lights on the cassette window indicated that the power was on. Other than the initial power drain, no additional problems were noted with the truck. The man figured that they managed to get the tape deck and watches functioning properly after they traveled a couple of miles past the UFO sighting location. 

The woman figured that about 5 minutes had elapsed when they managed to get their watches functioning and about 10 minutes until the tape deck started to work. Although the witnesses were travelling in a vehicle, no noise was heard emanating from the UFO.

Ghost Hunting On A Budget

Not every paranormal investigator started out with the fanciest of ghost hunting gadgets, gizmos and toys. Many were not able to afford the best in technology and most started with a simple point and shoot camera, a notepad and digital voice recorder. (Some did not even have that when they started.) Just because you are not able to afford top dollar ghost hunting equipment does not mean that you cannot effectively conduct a paranormal investigation. All you need are some basic items and you are good to go.

The number one thing to remember that ghost hunting is not about the equipment. Capturing evidence is not 100 percent reliant upon having the best camera or the highest quality voice recorder. Sure, it helps with the quality of the evidence captured, but is not the reason why we are able to successfully capture an entity’s image in a photograph. More than 95 percent of a successful paranormal investigation is being in the right place at the right time. There is no magical tool that can summon a ghost every time. It is a matter of knowing where to look and being there when an entity decides to make an appearance.

When going on a paranormal investigation it is suggested that you take a few pieces of equipment. Sometimes the necessary equipment can be found in thrift stores or online for a reduced price. Check around and determine is a used piece of equipment might be more affordable to you. Items to look for include a small camera with a flash, a voice recorder (can be digital or analog), flashlight and lots of batteries. If there is still some room left on your ghost hunting budget, purchase an inexpensive EMF detector. But the last piece of equipment can wait until you can afford it or make the decision you want to continue exploring the paranormal world.

When starting off as a paranormal investigator we suggest you stop yourself from buying thousands of dollars of equipment. Wait until you have conducted a few investigations and have determined if the paranormal field is something you wish to pursue. Once you know this is what you want to do, you can start upgrading all of your equipment.

Happy hunting!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Hauntings & Ghosts Are On Video Motion

BEWARE: This Is The Scariest Hauntings & Ghosts Video Channel! 
A video collection from all over the world which includes subjects on hauntings, ghosts, the paranormal and anything else considered as 'strange'! 

See the "playlist" tab for full seasons of top paranormal programs such as Paranormal Witness, Ghost Adventures and My Ghost Story etc... 

Please add me to your contacts and click share so I can keep on adding more of the stuff you like. 

P.S Please be responsible and don't watch in the dark - this is the spookiest Daily Motion channel around!

Terrifying Sinkhole 100ft Wide Appears Overnight In The Pennines

'Terrifying' sinkhole 100ft wide appears overnight in Pennines and it's so deep you can't see the bottom!

A 100ft-wide sinkhole appeared overnight on Wednesday in the Pennines and was first spotted by Sam Hillyard, 39, as she was walking her dogs the next day

  • Farmer John Hensby, 71, says his partner Sam Hillyard, 39, discovered the hole on Thursday morning
  • Hole has grown since then and because rain is forecast he is worried there could be another collapse
  • He is also worried that his dogs or one of the sheep that graze in the surrounding pastures could fall in

Mr Hensby fears that with heavy rain forecast for the coming days the land around the hole could collapse even further

A 100ft-wide sinkhole that is so deep the bottom cannot be seen at one end has appeared overnight just yards from a farmer's house in County Durham.

John Hensby, 71, says his partner Sam Hillyard, 39, first discovered the hole on Thursday morning, adding that it has been growing ever since.

Mr Hensby believes the hole could have been caused by either an iron ore mine or a lead mine, both of which operated in the area in the 19th century

And Mr Hensby now fears that heavy rain forecast for the coming days could be about to make the situation even worse. 
Mr Hensby, 71, who lives in Cowshill, near Bishop Auckland, County Durham, said: 'I am not sure where this will end.

Mr Hensby also worries that his dogs or one of the sheep that graze in the surrounding pastures could fall into the hole, as he would be unable to get it out
'The hole is still growing. It is astonishing. If you could have heard the bangs, crashes and rumbles when it first happened you would understand how.

'My partner Sam had been walking one of our dogs when she she found it on our land around 80 metres away from our house.

'The land is surrounded by a sheep farm and there are two or three around at the moment. If a sheep was to fall down the hole then that would be the end of it. It would be the same for our two dogs. You wouldn't be able to get to them or even see them.'

Council workers have been to inspect the site, but are unsure what can be done to stop the hole getting bigger, as it has almost reached a public footpath

Mr Hensby believes the collapse could be linked to 19th-century iron or lead mining in the area, though he has been unable to find evidence of a shaft that may have collapsed.
While lead mining started in the Pennines around 2,000 years ago, commercial operations didn't start until the mid-1800s and continued until the early 1900s, starting up again for a few years during the First World War.

Around this time the landscape was littered with chimneys and huge waterwheels that were used to sort useful ore from soil and other scrap, though only a few remain today. 
The mines also produced zinc ore, iron ores, and fluorite also known as fluorspar, though the areas is less well-known for these.

The sinkhole appeared just 90 yards from Mr Hensby's farm in Cowshill, near Bishop Auckland in the Pennines

Mr Hensby, who lives with partner Sam, an academic at Durham University, added: 'From time to to time small holes do open up on our land, but we have never known them to be so big before.

'Some council experts came to inspect the hole yesterday but we are not sure what can be done. We are crossing our fingers it doesn't get much bigger, but it is approaching a public footpath now.' 

He added that he is working to increase the wild bird population on his land, and hopes that the sink hole will not have a negative impact.