Sunday 14 September 2014

A Mother Was Filming Her Child When A Tiny Creature Was Caught on Camera! 2014

A few days ago, this footage came into our hands. Its a video recorded with a mobile phone by Silvia in 2011.  You can clearly see the appearance of a tiny creature while Silvia was filming her son playing.  According to Silvia, this little creature came out from the kitchen escaped into the garden, leaving behind a foul smell and intense interference on her mobile phone. 

Family have witnessed the child would play and talk to himself in his room and often towards the corners of the house but had never worried because they thought it normal for a child that age.  In January 2011, Benjamin was playing as always in the hallway when Silvia noticed a slight change in his behavior so decided to take her mobile phone to record him.
As Silvia watches the screen, she witnessed "something" running in the background. She thought it was just a field mouse (very common in the area) ... but then saw the actual creature, she panicked and screams for her neighbor (the husband was working).  Several years went by and the family kept this secret until today. Now they decided to show this evidence for the world to see on the web, especially asking us in confidence that we respect the request for anonymity of the child and the entire family. 

Things do not end there ... Benjamin (now already 5 years old) was often seen "playing" with these entities over the years, and there is a continued presence of these "Elves". While they do not seem aggressive, the smell they leave behind is unbearable and sometimes at night issue a chilling scream! 

This video is 1 of 5 shared by the family!

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