Monday 12 August 2013


Paranormal Journeys

The Paranormal: Guess what is the hottest trend going

The interest in ghosts, walking dead, the macabre and everything else that goes bump in the night continues to grow in popularity with no signs of letting up. It seems that everyday there is a new show on TV related to these hot topics. Getting kids today to read an actual book has been an ongoing challenge except when it comes to a particular subject matter.

The number one reading material for kids centers on ghosts, vampires, zombies and the supernatural. Make no mistake about it the reading material is no Mr. Roger’s version. After severing the head: the headless body hangs upside down allowing the blood to drain out, etc.

One of the hottest trends for 2013 involves Victorians

This year is the 150th year anniversary of the London Underground subway train and to celebrate, events related to Victorians, dark Victorian secrets, ghostly superstitions, Jack the Ripper, Gothic horror and the like are hot. Who does not like to dress up in Victorian inspired outfits, talk ghosts and other macabre stuff to help us relax?

The Victorians believed that a ghost could not see those dressed in black. The “veil” designed to shield a woman’s eyes at a wake from the ghost of the recently deceased. It was believed that if the ghost were to look you straight in the eye that it could beckon you to go with them. The veil was a form of spirit protection for woman.

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