Monday 12 August 2013

Understanding Ghosts, Spirits and Various Types of Hauntings!

Just because you experience some paranormal activity, doesn't necessarily mean your Great Aunt Gertie is visiting you. There are many different types of hauntings, and interestingly enough there are different types of ghosts or spirits. Let’s take a look at the most common type of haunting first.
Residual Haunting A residual haunting is a haunting where energy is essentially trapped. A spirit will repeat the same behaviour repeatedly, like the movie “Groundhog Day” for ghosts.
There are many theories as to why this happens. Some people believe that it occurs when there are strong emotions tied to an experience, a place, or an object.
For example, let’s say that your father had a favourite chair. He’d sit in the chair every single night. It was his nightly ritual. Once dead, you may experience seeing your dad sit in that chair each night. Is he really sitting in it? No. You couldn't interact with him. He’s simply left an energetic impression.
Now it can happen when there are negative emotions, too. The battlefields of the Civil War are said to be entrenched with residual hauntings. The spirits have passed over, but their energy remains on the battlefield.
Visitation, aka Intelligent Haunting This is the type of haunting most people want to experience when they’re investigating. They want to interact with someone who has passed.
An intelligent haunting is when a person, place, or object is visited by a spirit or ghost.
This type of haunting means that the ghost can communicate, if they choose to. They can move objects, touch people, and interact with their surroundings. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, they’ll manifest and show themselves to you in the form of the person who died.
I recently learned was that there are different types of spirits and ghosts.
A Spirit – A spirit is a person who has passed over. When you’re visited by a spirit it is because they’re choosing to visit you. I think they often visit us in dreams. When my grandfather passed, I dreamt about him. Other family members had the same dream. 9
A Ghost – A ghost is a person who cannot or will not pass over. They may have unfinished business or simply prefer to stay right where they are. In many cases, these folks are not pleasant folks. A ghost may also be referred to as a grounded spirit.
Ghosts can haunt places, people and objects. The Haunted Collector is a television show based on the premise that ghosts or energy can attach to objects and cause paranormal experiences. I suppose the boy who visited me could have been attached to the watch. He was most certainly an intelligent haunt, though.
 It’s important to learn how to protect yourself. Walking around in the dark is dangerous enough, but add potentially mischievous ghosts into the mixture and well…the possibilities are frightening.
By Annette Brownlee

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