Saturday 17 August 2013

U.S. Government Finally Acknowledges Area 51 Through Declassified Files

Fox News reported today that the government has finally acknowledged that there is actually an Area 51. The existence was acknowledged in declassified documents from the CIA. The documents were obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive through request and they released it yesterday. The documents are open to the public, "The Secret History of the U-2."

July 25, 1955 was when the first planes were delivered to Area 51 and the first test flight took place, Aug. 4, 1955. The CIA in 1957 had left Area 51 and the Air Force took it over. The documents made some detailed evidence about Area 51 and about the U-2 spy plane program.
Before declassified files would leave out much about the secretive place and government officials weren't really open about talking about what was going on there and some even pretended that it didn't existed. Many people believe that aliens are involved and think that is why the government is so quiet about the situation.
National Security Archive Senior, Jeffrey Richelson commented about the event:
“It marks an end of official secrecy about the facts of Area 51,” Richelson told the Las Vegas Sun. “It opens up the possibility that future accounts of this and other aerial projects will be less redacted, more fully explained in terms of their presence in Area 51.” (Fox News)
The news about the CIA could spark a new beginning where government officials are more open about the situation and maybe they will finally give answers to the many conspiracy theories that plague Area 51.

Conspiracy theories are characterized by unfalsifiable explanations for confusing or stressful events. Who is most likely to believe them? And why do our brains gravitate toward these theories?

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