Sunday 7 July 2013

Family lives in haunted house, kids enjoy chatting with the dead!


Finally, definitive proof of ghosts. Provided you believe Jadon and Lucy Billingdon and their mom, Pam. The family from Cheshire, England, claims that spirits inhabit their home - 10 of them, to be exact - and the kids happily communicate with the spirits on a daily basis, MSN News reports.

Among them are dead American couple Sam and Simon Crease, angel Michael and a young girl spirit named Rose. Though dad Daron is sceptical, "it isn't a hoax," said Pam. "I really believe my kids can talk to spirits." Mom was sold when Jadon asked a ghost to tug her pants. Yup, it happened. Now, "they touch me all the time," Pam revealed. 

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